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Tyndale Christian School – Salisbury East recently marked a significant milestone in its journey, celebrating the 40th anniversary of our school’s opening with an event that brought together the wide Tyndale community.
It was evident that Olive’s purpose was far beyond the traditional role of a guide dog. Her personality was better suited to being a therapy dog, bringing comfort and support to those who needed it.
Our wonderful Barista Kylie has just joined the team and has a heart for others.
Tyndale Christian School – Salisbury East is proud of our 2021 graduates not only for their academics, yet also for their personal achievements throughout the challenges that this year has provided.
Click the links on this page to access the video or the written response from our Head of School’s in relation to the article published by The Advertiser on Sunday 7 November comparing Tyndale’s government funding with other schools.
Our therapy dogs provide a general sense of wellbeing at Tyndale and most students think it is a good idea even if they do not rely on them.